Acne is caused by clogged pores. Dead skin cells and sebum, an oil that moisturizes the skin, combine in the pores, creating a blockage. Bacteria can also get trapped, leading to inflammation and pimple or cyst formation. Different types of pimples include whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, pustules, papules, and nodules. Hormonal imbalances, excessive oil production, medications, stress, and diet can also worsen acne. To prevent breakouts, it's important to have a proper skincare routine, limit washing to twice a day, avoid harsh scrubbing, resist popping pimples, use makeup suitable for sensitive skin, steer clear of oil-based products, limit sun exposure, reduce stress, and eat a healthy diet. If you have acne on your forehead, make sure to wash your hair regularly.

Lumos Dermatology®'s board-certified dermatologists take a personalized approach to treating acne. They may recommend topical medications, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, or light and laser therapies, depending on your skin and the type of acne you have. A combination of treatments will be prescribed to address your unique needs, leading to healthy skin. If acne is impacting your life, schedule an appointment with Lumos Dermatology® either by calling or booking online.